Friday, November 20, 2015

Creative Photo Challenge

Isn’t it fun when you find inspiration in those random everyday activities? That’s how this project came into being…as I was scrolling through my Instagram and came across an account that Instagram had highlighted in their feed.  The name on the account was “superattractiveghettoblaster”  (interesting, right?) and the story behind the awesome photos was interesting, too.  French architect Thibault Ressy discovered 25 vintage boomboxes at a sale warehouse in Shanghai.  He and his friends used them as party props and then started shooting portraits of people throughout the city with the boomboxes.  Superattractiveghettoblaster was born!  The photos are beautiful, thoughtful, fun, peaceful and inspirational!  

After visiting this fabulous instagram account I asked students to choose an object of their own and take at least 20 different photographs in a variety of scenes with and without people.  The goal was to make each photo interesting on its own and as a part of a larger series.

To turn this assignment in, I asked students to go to PicMonkey, choose their best 9 photos, and create a collage using the “9 Square” under Collage Layout.  This collage was then saved and turned in to our Google Classroom account. This set up was an easy way for students to practice choosing their strongest images and it made it easier for me to grade, when I could see them all at once.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun students had with this project.  Most of them really got into it by just using the cameras on their phones, but a few borrowed the camera I have in my classroom (a simple 35 mm.)  They did any necessary editing in Picmonkey before creating their collages, but kept the original photos for use with future projects or competitions

Keep your eyes open for those interesting new ideas just waiting around the corner! 
Happy photograph-taking! :-)

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